"…the best investment of my life. It helped bring clarity, vision, and excitement to my dream. The nine dream sparking questions were amazing!" - Beth Domsten
“You meet the people and you love them. The friendships, the encouragement, lifting one another up through all kinds of situations… people have spoken into my life and helped me.” - Shelli Miller
"I love the dream teams. My very first dream team was a stretch. It was a real act of courage. I had an idea of what I thought my dream was. I thought it was to finish a book. But my dream had so much more to it. It turned out that it was my ministry to the homeless and the working poor." - Anne Swartout
"The Dream Team Experience has been phenomenal. If you haven’t signed up for one yet, please, do yourself a favor and sign up for one coming up. These guys have become family to me." - Terrance Turner
"The level of community that is found in these groups—I’ve never experienced anything like it outside of being in YWAM. I will treasure it for the rest of my life." - Latoya Ormsby
"Can you imagine being the key person the Lord uses to unlock the depths hidden deep within another?" - Therese Giapponi